CSWP/CSWE Event on the USS Midway, SolidWorks World 2012


This year, the last CSWP event (starting next year it will be CSWEs only) was held on the aircraft carrier USS Midway.  It was a great environment for us engineers (especially those of us with an aerospace background), because we got to wander the ship on our own and explore the aircraft and ships’ systems on display.   

Some of the many aircraft on the hangar deck and flight deck 


The carrier’s “Island” structure


The interior hangar deck, and the flight simulators available to the attendees


Some of our new friends 🙂


The view of the city from the Midway’s flight deck


The band. They rocked our socks off.

The awesome axe, designed in SolidWorks, that the band got a chance to play

Fearless Leader, Mike Puckett, and the CSWP banner, signed by all the attendees.

CSWP/CSWE Event on the USS Midway, SolidWorks World 2012


This year, the last CSWP event (starting next year it will be CSWEs only) was held on the aircraft carrier USS Midway.  It was a great environment for us engineers (especially those of us with an aerospace background), because we got to wander the ship on our own and explore the aircraft and ships’ systems on display.   

Some of the many aircraft on the hangar deck and flight deck 


The carrier’s “Island” structure


The interior hangar deck, and the flight simulators available to the attendees


Some of our new friends 🙂


The view of the city from the Midway’s flight deck


The band. They rocked our socks off.

The awesome axe, designed in SolidWorks, that the band got a chance to play

Fearless Leader, Mike Puckett, and the CSWP banner, signed by all the attendees.

Audio from Mike Rowe Press Briefing

From Evernote:

Audio from Mike Rowe Press Briefing


Best SolidSwag of SolidWorks World 2012

SolidWorks World is full of fun events, new information, and learning opportunities. But we all you why you’re REALLY here. It’s all about the SolidSwag. Here’s my breakdown of the best freebies, goodies, and giveaways at this year’s conference.

1) DriveWorks Dancing Wind-Up Robot – Booth 324

2) SolidWorks Beer Coozie/Gauntlet – Booth 141


3) iGet It Wooden Puzzle – Booth 100


PhotoView360 Focus Group

I just got out of the PhotoView360 focus group with Marlon Banta, Rob Rodriguez, and Todd Turner. A lot of good ideas were brought up, and I wanted to share just a few of them.

1) Add layers for weathering and damage.

Add a list of checkboxes to the property manager for every appearance, that allows you to add layers like rust, dirt, soot, etc.

2) Fix appearance flipping

Sometimes when you apply a dire tonal appearance (such as wood or brick) the appearance will look correct in the graphics window, but will be upside down and sideways when rendered. SolidWorks really needs to fix this.

3) Transparent appearance performance
Rendering transparency is a serious performance killer. We directed SolidWorks to focus on this when improving they next versions of PV360

4) Fix stubborn appearances
Sometimes, you can’t remove an appearance no matter how hard you try. The only way is to delete all the display states in the model (under the config tab, right-click display states, delete all). This is a serious bug we asked them to fix ASAP.